Since they've worked with many of this year's Oscar nominees and presenters, we thought we'd tap some of the most experienced hair and makeup artists for a few red carpet style predictions, and the votes are in! Overwhelmingly, the beauty gurus have chosen Anne Hathaway as their pick for prettiest red carpet star.When we spoke to Marie Robinson, colorist and owner of Marie Robinson Salon in New York City, she had just done Hathaway's color, but also had this to say regarding Sunday night's hair color parade, "We may see glimmery shades of light and gold spun through brunettes and blondes. Very pale platinum blondes and I hope a fabulous redhead or two!"As far as hairstyles for the Oscars, "We'll be seeing a lot of glamour on the red carpet this Sunday. Lots of low, loose buns as well as smooth, wavy blowouts with a polished finish over the beachy, textured waves we've been seeing the past few years," said Allison Woodruff, stylist at Marie Robinson Salon. Her pick for best in beauty? Hathaway, naturally.Tim Quinn, Giorgio Armani celebrity makeup artist, has worked with Hathaway, Amy Adams, Michelle Williams and Annette Bening, among others and he's predicting "more elegant makeup -- sophisticated smoky [eyes] featuring navy shadow ... I feel that color for the lips will be a trend we will see more of ... and as much as I love a tan, hopefully not so much on the red carpet." And his final thoughts, "They (the actresses) are all unique and will have makeup that enhances their unique qualities. That said, Anne H. should deliver."More hopes and dreams for Sunday night's beauty: "I want to see all of my leading ladies in shades of pearlescent pinks and soft naturals, channeling iconic glamour à la Audrey Hepburn. This year's trend is that of Old Hollywood with a neutral modern twist, with trendsetters such as Claire Danes and January Jones embodying the softer, more natural side of beauty. The Golden Globes and the SAG Awards paved the way for this classic style and I expect the Academy Awards to be the pinnacle of perfection," Jerrod Blandino, co-founder and creative director of Too Faced Cosmetics told StyleList.Selina Kyle/Catwoman has had many different looks throughout the years. She’s been portrayed with long hair, short hair, black hair, brown hair, blonde hair… you name it. Every Batman fan has their own personal favorite “look” for Catwoman. When Anne Hathaway was announced as Selina Kyle back in January, fans immediately began talking about how she’d look in the “wardrobe” (as Wally Pfister put it) and what look Nolan might give her in his last Batman movie. Several great pieces of fan art turned up online as well, which you can view in the Batman-News.com gallery.